350th Anniversary of the Marcotte Families in North America


The Association des Familles Marcotte held the planned celebration of the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the Marcotte brothers in Canada on Saturday, August 19, 2017, in Cap-Sant�, Qu�bec, Canada.� Cap-Sant� is a small town on the St. Lawrence River, about 33 miles west of� Qu�bec City.� The drive from Quebec is only about 40 minutes (33 miles). �The program for the day's events is shown in the Materials & Photos from the celebration. The Association of Marcotte Families (Association des Familles Marcotte), in Qu�bec, consists of local Marcotte descendants volunteering their time and effort. The August 19 activities began with a meet-and-greet, at 9:30 a.m., at the Catholic Curch square in Cap-Sant� (L'Eglise Ste-Famille), followed by a Mass of thanksgiving at 10:30 a.m., a box lunch at 12:00 p.m., a 1:30 p.m. bus visit to the ancestral Marcotte lands and houses, and to the monument erected in 1967 at the 300th anniversary celebration, as part of a bus circuit through the ancestral towns of Cap-Sant�, Neuville, Portneuf and Deschambault. The day's activities finished with a 6:30 p.m. wine reception, followed by dinner, some formal recognitions, a genealogy presentation by Yves Marcotte, and the General Assembly\annual business meeting of the Association des Familles Marcotte.

left pointing red arrowPhotographs and printed materials from the reunion may be viewed by clicking here. right-pointing red arrow
(You may need to scroll down slightly below each photograph on the above-linked SmugMug page in order to read captions and other information that I have added)

I maintain paid membership in the Marcotte Association, but I have no official capacity, otherwise. I periodically post event announcements for the Association on my Web site, at their request. The maps and presentation materials from the 350th Anniversary clebration, which are included at the above link are used with the permission of Yves Marcotte, who spent many hours researching the genealogical and lot location described in those materials, as well as countless hours along with many other Association members preparing for this celebartion. They are to be commended for their diligence, time and effort that went into making this even a great success.


The email address for the Marcotte Association is: info@famillesmarcotte.com


The Marcotte Association Web page is located at: http://www.famillesmarcotte.com/ (French only)


Their membership form is located on their Contact page, at the "Formulaire" link on the lower left section.

(Please be aware that it is from membership fees that the planning efforts �and communications, including their newsletter and Web site are made possible) The annual membership fee is normally $15 for an individual, $25 for a couple, but if I understood correctly, the current reduced membership fee = $10, will be extended for the remainder of 2017.


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